Title: Maybe It's Not To Late (It Is) Author: lovetoosweet Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke / Nakajima Yuto Rating: PG-13 Summary: Will you get a second chance if you break the trust and love of someone important to you?
Title: What If? Author: lovetoosweet Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke / Nakajima Yuto ; side!Okajima Rating: PG-13 Summary: He doesn’t know what to do because for so long he thought Nakajima Yuto was his only to find out he wasn’t.
Title: It's Okay, That's Love Author: lovetoosweet Rating: PG-15 Word Count: 4,980 Disclaimer: Written for dusk037 for last year's HSJ Anniversay exchange in yyexchange. Original post here. Summary: Like any other I-fell-for-my-best-friend-story, yours is just one of many.
Title: Two Roads Author: lovetoosweet Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke / Nakajima Yuto ; side!Chiitaro Rating: PG-13 Summary: When you date someone, things will end on two things: you marry them or you break up with them.